Best Mexican Food for Stress Relief
The hours in the day are never long enough for the stress-inducing demand of traffic jams, meetings, or toddler tantrums. And at some point, it might seem like there’s nothing you can do about your elevated levels of stress. But, after taking a deep breath, you might begin to realize that you have more control […]
Mexican Food Fun Facts
How well do you know Mexican food? Maybe not as well as you once thought. Here are 5 facts about Mexican food that just might surprise you! Fact #1 Tortillas used to be canned. Yes, you read that right. Store-bought tortillas were most commonly found in the canned food aisle! While these nonperishables were once stocked on […]
Got Salt?
So, what do margaritas and tortilla chips have in common? Aside from being a delicious gift from the Heavens…. Yep, you guessed it – SALT! Not only that, but they also share the same National Food & Drink Week – this week! (All the more reason to eat at Amigo’s, right??!) In homage to this […]
The Perfect Dish for Your Mood
Good mood, bad mood… whatever the mood, our delicious dishes, and tasty treats are sure to hit the spot. We’ll help you select the perfect meal to put a smile on your face and goodness in your stomach. Nachos: You didn’t come to cut your food up and push it around your plate, you nacho […]
5 Steps to Turning a Bad Day Into a Fiesta
We’ve all had them and can all relate that “terrible, no good, very bad days” are the worst. Before you decide to research plane tickets to some faraway place, we’ve got 5 simple steps to turn your frown upside down and your day into a fiesta! Take notes, amigos! Step 1: Queso and Guac Forget […]
Queso: Your One True Love
The secret is out. You don’t have to lie about it anymore. We all know that queso is your one true love in life. It comforts you like a giant hug after a tough day, it puts a smile on your face and lets you know that everything is going to be okay in the […]
Reasons Your Mom Deserves Margs This Mother’s Day
There is no denying that your mom is your hero and deserves to be treated like a queen at least once a year. This Mother’s Day, give the gift every mom wants… margaritas and Mexican food. Here are just a few reasons that the #1 woman in your life deserves margaritas this Mother’s Day. You […]
Step Up Your Monday Game with Taco Night
There’s no denying that everyone needs Taco Night in their life. It’s fun, delicious and the perfect start to any week. We’ve got highly non-scientific facts that show you need Taco Night in your life this Monday and here’s why… It’s the Best Monday Night in Town Call it a coincidence or call it fate […]
Margarita Madness
Whether it’s a cold, snowy winter day or the dog days of summer there’s no better time for a marg. While we’re a fan of the classics like Budweiser or a traditional margarita on the rocks, sometimes the occasion, or Thursday night, calls for a little something extra. We’re not talking about bringing out the […]
Health Benefits in Mexican Food
Mexican food isn’t typically known for being a healthy choice. However, if you pass on the copious amounts of queso and beer in favor of healthier alternatives, Mexican food can be delicious and nutritious. Fiber Beans are a fiber-packed staple of Mexican food. Both black beans and pinto beans are rich in fiber. Fiber is […]