
Be Santa’s Favorite, Give Amigo Gift Cards
It’s that time of year again… the stockings are hung, the lights are strung and the big jolly guy is checking those naughty and nice lists. With the abundance of liquid cheer and holiday goodies comes the dreaded task of Christmas shopping. Some folks will tell you that they love it, that shopping with the groves of people, in the chaos that runs rampant at any store, puts them in the Christmas spirit. We aren’t saying those elves in training are liars, but we are claiming they’ve been hitting the eggnog a little hard. Subjecting yourself to the torture that is mall traffic… hunting for a parking spot like your trying to find a needle in a haystack… and then there are the people. No matter what time of day you go it’s packed. Then as if that were not bad enough, they bring their strollers and crying children along for the madness that is Christmas shopping.
Skip all the headaches that come with Christmas shopping and give the gift of Amigos. Our online gift cards are the perfect gift for even the pickiest on the list. You don’t have to worry about sizes or if they are going to like it. If they don’t like Mexican food, you should probably reconsider your friendship anyway. The best part is that you don’t have to fight the crowds to pick on up. Visit and a few clicks later you’ve finished your shopping. If you chose to buy them from the comfort of sweatpants on the couch we won’t even judge.
Share the holiday cheer and the gift of good food. Give an Amigos gift card this Christmas.